Monday, May 20, 2013

The View From Monday - May 20, 2013

Happy Monday!  It's another relatively light release week.

I got very little reading down this weekend, but did see Star Trek Into Darkness with my kids. I really enjoyed the movie. I managed to avoid any spoilers whatsoever so audibly gasped at one point. (You can confirm that with my kids.) It was a great surprise. Star Trek Into Darkness was fun, campy at times, full of action, and it had an interesting plot. I watched the original Star Trek when it was broadcast on TV (yes, I'm that old). I'm enjoying the reboot immensely.

I also watched the Series 7 finale of Doctor Who several times.  I'm not going to say much about it other than it ends on a huge cliffhanger. *shakes fist at Moffat* At least I don't believe that there will be a regeneration as it has been reported that Matt Smith will return for Series 8. But really, who knows?

Back to books...  there are 3 debuts out tomorrow! 

The Garden of Stones (Echoes of Empire 1) by Mark T. Barnes

The Resurrectionist: The Lost Work of Dr. Spencer Black by E.B. Hudspeth


Apocalypse Cow by Michael Logan (a US Debut).

Finally, from the 2012 Debut Author Challenge, Rhiannon Held's second novel, Tarnished, is out tomorrow.

May 20, 2013
The Drowned World (ri) J. G. Ballard SF
Hello America (ri) J. G. Ballard SF
The Unlimited Dream Company (ri) J. G. Ballard SF
Journey of Dominion Shawna Thomas SF - Triune Stones 2

May 21, 2013
The Garden of Stones (D) Mark T. Barnes F - Echoes of Empire 1
Dark Flight Cassi Carver SFR - Shadow Slayers 3
Blood and Bone Ian C. Esslemont F - Malazan Empire 5
Wicked Business (h2tp) Janet Evanovich M w/ PE - Lizzy and Diesel 2
Star Trek Into Darkness Alan Dean Foster SF - Star Trek Movie Tie-In
Midnight's Kiss: Part 2 (e) Donna Grant PNR - Dark Warriors
The Asylum John Harwood Go/Th
Tarnished Rhiannon Held UF - Silver 2
The Clandestine Circle  (e) Mary H. Herbert F - Dragonlance: Crossroads
The Resurrectionist: The Lost Work of Dr. Spencer Black (D) E. B. Hudspeth F
Noble V: Greylancer Hideyuki Kikuchi H
Apocalypse Cow (US D) Michael Logan H
The War of Horus and Set David McIntee F - Myths and Legends
Samantha Moon Rising J.R. Rain UF - Vampire for Hire (Books 5, 6 and 7)
Drop Dead Beauty (e) Wendy Roberts PCM - Ghost Dusters Mystery 5
The Red Plague Affair Lilith Saintcrow SPM - Bannon and Claire Case 2

May 22, 2013
Super Bass: A Tor.Com Original Kai Ashante Wilson F

D - Debut
e - eBook
h2tp - Hardcover to Trade Paperback
ri - reprint or reissue

F - Fantasy
Go - Gothic
M - Mystery
PCM - Paranormal Cozy Mystery
PE - Paranormal Elements
PNR - Paranormal Romance
SF - Science Fiction
SFR - Science Fiction Romance
SPM - Steampunk Mystery
Th - Thriller
UF - Urban Fantasy


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